
Under 'GitHub' you can find posts about how you can integrate Checkly in your workflow. We want to build the best possible synthetic monitoring solution for developers and for us, that means that we want to bring your monitoring scripts as close to your coding environment as possible.

Kickstart Your Synthetic Monitoring Efforts With Our Free Online Workshop

Giovanni Rago

GitHub Sync goes GA image

Checkly GitHub Sync Goes into GA

Tim Nolet

Tim Nolet

Stefan Judis

Checkly launch week 1

What’s New in Checkly Launch Week 1

Jeff James

Easy E2E testing and monitoring with Gatsby, Vercel, and GitHub

Easy E2E testing and monitoring with Gatsby, Vercel, and GitHub

Giovanni Rago

Synthetic Monitoring with Screenshots in GitHub PR's

Changelog: Screenshots in GitHub PR's + design & stability updates

Tim Nolet

Tim Nolet