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Learn Synthetic Monitoring at the Checkly Kick-Start July 18th

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When you want to ensure uptime, it's hard to balance fast detection with developer efficiency and alert fatigue. Join us for a webinar to discover how Checkly's code-first synthetic monitoring for modern DevOps can help your team know first that your site has a problem, without keeping you awake at night with false alerts.

Join Nočnica Mellifera (Checkly, SigNoz, New Relic) on July 18th 8AM PST/5PM CET for the Checkly Kick-start, our monthly session for new Checkly users. You'll learn:

  1. How to get started and write your first page monitors — Anyone can monitor their site with Checkly, and you'll get a demonstration on getting started.
  2. Best Practices for monitoring — From monitoring as code workflows to alert configurations based on your SLA, learn how experienced professionals use synthetic monitoring.
  3. Advanced skills for automation — Ever wanted to check your site by comparing screenshots? Or create checks that simulate network slowdown? Learn how to simulate complex scenarios with Checkly and Playwright.


Bring your own questions, we'll have the chat open for Q&A throughout the demonstration.

Why Attend the Webinar?

This webinar is more than just an introduction to Checkly. We'll also learn how synthetic monitoring can transform your DevOps practices, making them more efficient, reliable, and scalable. Whether you're a seasoned SRE or an operations engineer, this webinar will provide you with insights, strategies, and practical knowledge on how to leverage Checkly to the fullest.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand the principles of shift-left monitoring and how they apply to your DevOps culture
  • Learn how to implement a code-first monitoring workflow within your existing development stack
  • Explore the automation capabilities of Checkly and how they can streamline your monitoring processes
  • Gain insights into proactive problem-solving strategies that enhance app reliability and availability

Reserve Your Spot

Ready to redefine your monitoring strategy and embrace the future of DevOps with Checkly? Reserve your spot today and take the first step towards mastering synthetic monitoring with Checkly.


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