
Under 'puppeteer' we share our insights and experiences working with and integrating Google Puppeteer. Checkly uses Puppeteer and Playwright to run our global synthetic monitoring. Our users can e.g. monitor the website uptime and performance across North America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia.

What is Playwright? An introduction to the Playwright web testing and automation framework.

What is Playwright? Everything You Need to Know

Jeff James

Japanese art

Cypress vs Selenium vs Playwright vs Puppeteer speed comparison

Giovanni Rago

Japanese art

Puppeteer vs Selenium vs Playwright, a speed comparison

Giovanni Rago

Japanese art

Active monitoring with Playwright on Checkly 🎭

Jan Grzesik

Jan Grzesik

Batuhan Icoz

Headless browser automation guide - Writing theheadless.dev

Giovanni Rago

Changelog: Puppeteer & Chromium update

Changelog: Puppeteer & Chromium update

Batuhan Icoz